Certificate in Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Apr 11
Courses will be subject to changes in response to special circumstances (class time may be adjusted or postponed or class mode may be changed to online teaching). Thank you for your kind attention.
Before enrolling this course, you have to consider the above factors. Once you have paid the course fee, no refund will be allowed.
AASFP reserves all rights to make alteration regarding the course schedule and course learning mode if necessary. In case of any disputes, the decision of the AASFP shall be final.
If you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at 25789877.
Download APTHK-0325-267 Page 1 - Group A Timetable
Download APTHK-0325-267 Page 2 - Group A Timetable
This course is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 3)
This course has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund
Certificate in Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer" (Course Code: 35C111050)
Certificate holder of Certificate in Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer can apply for Continuing Education Fund (CEF).
Price : $14900 / Early Bird (Less $300) : registered 3 weeks on or before 21 Mar 2025
* Only electronic lecture notes will be provided.
Course Entry Requirements:
1. Completion of the Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE) or the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) and equivalent and hold AASFP Certificate in Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer - Foundation Component certificate. Note: University students with physical therapy, physical education or related disciplines or equivalent. If applicants successfully apply for exemption for the part of AASFP Sports Science & Fitness Foundation course , s/he can directly apply for the Certificated in Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer course (only need to successfully pass the entrance examination).
Before enrolling this course, you have to consider whether you meet the admission requirements. Once you have paid the course fee, no refund will be allowed.
2. Pass the entrance Physical Fitness Test (applicants must submit the video to AASFP before the commencement of the course)
The eligibility requirements for the entrance Physical Fitness Test are as follows:
Male applicants: 6 Crunches (within 1 minute) and 5 standard Push up (within 1 minute)
Female applicants: 3 Crunches (within 1 minute) and 2 Push up in a kneeling position (within 1 minute)
Demonstration Video - The entrance Physical Fitness Test