Accreditation & Testimonial
Accreditation from a third-party, independent organization that explicitly accredits certification programs is an important part of determining whether a program is credible.
1. ICREP International Confederation for Registers for Exercise Professionals
AASFP has maintained accreditation from the International Confederation of Registers for Exercise Professionals (ICREPs) as the sole "Approved Training Provider" for Registered Exercise Professionals (REPs) in Asia.
2. QF3 Qualification Framework
We also earned accreditation from the Hong Kong Council for Accreditation of Academic & Vocational Qualification (HKCAAVQ) for our Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Certification as a course reaching level 3 in the Qualification Framework (QF) which is equivalent to a diploma program under the system set by the Executive Council of the Education Bureau.
(The QF level: 3)
(The QF Credit: 15)
(The QR registration number assigned by QR Authority: 15/002570/L3)
(The validity period of the relevant QR entry: 01/06/2015 to 31/05/2026)