Murchie 林婉萍

Strongest skills:
Stretching for rehabilitation and pain relieve
Body weight training
Most outstanding achievements:
Regarding client’s training
Apart from training my clients, I spend a significant part of my time upkeeping my own fitness, working with my own trainers, as I believe that updating my knowledge, skills and own fitness is a crucial element for being a successful trainer. The fact that all my clients have come through referrals could reflect positively on my philosophy.
Regarding academic knowledge and lectures
I am Murchie LAM and have been a Personal Trainer since I finished my APT training with AASFP 3 years ago. During these 3 years, I have been updating my knowledge and skills to improve myself by continuously attending courses and workshops with AASFP and some external institutes
Regarding self-training
Body Weight Training Instructor Course (AASFP)
Stretch Trainer Certification Course (AASFP)
Stretch Therapist, Stretch TherapyTM (Australia)
Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Certification (AASFP)
ACSTH Life Coach ICF
Regarding contributions to the industry
I am a Stretch Trainer with AASFP, a Stretch Therapist with Kit Laughlin and have acquired other qualifications with AASFP in fitness training, one of the more recent ones being Mr Orlando To’s Bodyweight Training for Trainers.