Eric 陳建華

Strongest Skills:
Tailor-make training plans for clients Train clients for fitness exercises Provide nutrition suggestions
Most outstanding achievements:
I used to be a kid with chronic disease who lost the function of thyroid gland. Later I was even diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and needed to take 8 types of pills to survive. However, I never gave up about challenging myself and transformed from the skinny kid back then to the 6-pack guy now!
Regarding client’s training.
Let all of my students fall in love with sports and got health via training. One of them was a girl with obesity problem and managed to lose 10 pounds within 5 weeks and decrease her body fat from 31% to 26% via improving nutrition and diet as well as tailor making training plans so that she could regain a healthy life.
Regarding academic knowledge and preparation of lectures
Promoting healthy messages in different television programs.
Regarding self-training
Advanced Personal Fitness Trainer Certification Course
Nutrition and Weight Management Certification
Regarding contributions to the industry
Being guest trainer of TVB’s “Pleasure and Leisure” and also NOWTV’s TV program “Clip in” in ViuTV. Also being model of MTTM sports magazine as well as AASFP course poster.