Postion: AASFP Master Trainer
AASFP Master Trainer
- AASFP Master Trainer in Advance Fitness Instructors, Pre & Post Natal Fitness Instructors and Stretch Trainers
- BSc (Hons) in Fitness and Exercise,MU,UK.
- Cert AIS Practitioner (The Mattes Method)
- iCREPs registered Exercise Professional as Personal Trainer
- Fitness Instructor for Children & Adolescents,CHISM
- Foundation Mat Pilates Instructor, BASI™
- BeBalanced Master Instructor
- Fitball Instructor, AASFP
- Pre & Post natal Fitness Instructor AASFP
- Elderly & Chronic conditions Fitness Instructor, AASFP
- Post Rehab Training (PRT)Instructor, AASFP
- Sports Massage Cert, AASFP
- Infant Massage instructor, IAIM
- Professional Cert in Elderly education, HKEU
- Cert in Physiotherapy Assistance, HKFYG
- Cert in Elderly Nursing Care,erbHK
Other Experiences & Achievement :
- Twice 2nd Place Award in the IFBB Asian Women's BodybuildingChampionships
- Active volunteer services in NGOs promoting Elderly's Physical and Mindful Health with exercises
Strength & Mission:
- Personal Training with 20 years experience
- Train the Trainers with AASFP in HK and China.
- Promote using endurance and flexibility training to improve postures, maintain / defer musculoskeletal deteriorations and enhance Sports performance.