ELM-0817 Rehab Exercise Prescription for Chronic Lowback Pain (CEUs 0.5) [Subtitle TC/EN]
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Among all pain conditions, low back pain is definitely the most common one. As an advanced personal fitness trainer, being able to prescribe exercises for relieving pain and strengthening the back muscles to prevent the onset of pain for your clients should be an indispensable part of your training. In this learning module, Physiotherapist, Wing will demonstrate ten different rehab exercises with training key points and safety techniques for improving or preventing low back pain in a safer manner. Please learn and practise with us!
Presenter: Wing LAU (Senior Physiotherapist)
Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, English
Assessment details
Time limit: 90 minutes
No. of questions: 10 MCQ (Each carries 10 marks)
Pass-score (%): at least 60 marks (60%).
No. of Attempt: Once only (Note: no re-take is allowed)
CEUs: 0.5
Closing Date: 25-SEP-2024