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ELM-0419 Concept of Food Conversion for Weight Management (CEUs 0.5)  ELM-0419 Concept of Food Conversion for Weight Management (CEUs 0.5)  ELM-0419 Concept of Food Conversion for Weight Management (CEUs 0.5)  ELM-0419 Concept of Food Conversion for Weight Management (CEUs 0.5)  ELM-0419 Concept of Food Conversion for Weight Management (CEUs 0.5) 

ELM-0419 Concept of Food Conversion for Weight Management (CEUs 0.5) 

Sales Price: $840.00


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As we all know that the principle of weight management is to let the intake (the daily amount of calories intake) less than the consumption (the daily amount of calories consumption). First of all, however, we must know how to calculate calories in order to ensure the calories intake is less than the consumption. The concept of “food conversion method” is to learn to estimate the portion size of given foods and then calculate the calories. The learning module will teach you how to convert the amount of food into portion, so that you can easily calculate the calorie intake. After completed this module, it is hoped that you can turn the theory into practice, and hence found calories estimation a simple and easy task! If you are interested in this course, please enroll it now!

Presenter: Harry LI (AASFP Master Trainer, Registered Nutritionist)


Assessment details

Learning time limit: 1.5 hours (Include video viewing and assessment)

Total duration of video(s): 40 minutes (one video clip)

No. of questions: 10 MCQ (Each carries 10 marks)

  Remark: the questions involve certain amounts of mathematics calculations, please prepare a calculator before taking the assessment. 

Pass-score (%): at least 60 marks (60%).

No. of Attempt: Once only (Note: no re-take is allowed)

CEUs: 0.5



Closing Date: 28-Jun-2025