ELM-0118 Nine Essential Functional Training - build a better foundation for distance running (CEUs 0.5) [Subtitle TC/EN]
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It is quite common that runners accumulate mileages to prepare their marathon events. But yet, many of them still get issues during race, e.g. hit-the-wall, early fatigue and muscle cramps during, etc.. Indeed, muscles endurance and fatigue resistance play an important role for you to run extra miles, prevent injuries, and even strike for new PB for all levels of runners. As such, resistance exercises that strengthen core, hips and shoulders stability and muscular endurance is a dispensable part in your training routine. This episode will present the techniques of 9 essential resistance drills that help to make you a better and faster distance runner.
Presenter: Zeco WAN (AASFP Distance Running Instructor Course Lecturer)
Subtitle: Traditional Chinese, English
Assessment details
Time limit: 90 minutes
No. of questions: 9 MCQ (Each carries 10 marks)
Pass-score (%): at least 54 marks (60%).
No. of Attempt: Once only (Note: no re-take is allowed)
CEUs: 0.5
Closing Date: 28-JAN-2025